
declaration of a nation معنى

  • إعلان أمة
  • declaration    n. إعلان, بيان, تص ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • a    الأمْبير; الدَّمُ ...
  • nation    n. الشعب ككل, أمة ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. declaration for peace and cooperation معنى
  2. declaration for peace and harmony معنى
  3. declaration for promoting dialogue and mutual understanding among religions and civilizations ohrid 2007 معنى
  4. declaration in commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the second world war معنى
  5. declaration of 1 november 1954 معنى
  6. declaration of a new philosophy on disarmament معنى
  7. declaration of african ministers responsible for human settlements on the preparatory process to the second united nations conference on human settlements معنى
  8. declaration of alma-ata معنى
  9. declaration of alma-ata on promoting independent and pluralistic asian media معنى
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